Know about concentration

How concentration effects our daily lives. Whenever it comes to concentration, i can hardly concentrate for 20-30 minutes. In any task like reading books, writing or any project and after continuosly working for half an  hour, i feel very exhausted like i need se rest.  I feel so distracted by own thoughts while doing any work. Do you feel the same.??? The reason why we are unable to focus properly is ADHA(Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder). You may have many questions like is it a problem.?? What are symptoms of this.?? Let's know what is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). As, we know how important is this to grow in life and adept all the skills we required in our field, specially in this fastest growing era.  In short, we can say if there is problem in concentration, not able to do your work properly, impulsive behaviour etc. We can imagine this how problematic it would be in this time where anyone is running so fast and we are dealing with this ...

Bipolar disorder

 What is bipolar depression??

Talking about depression is still a taboo in our society. No one wants to talk openly about it. We don't consider it as a illnesses while it's very serious mental problem.we can't see depression but this doesn't mean its nothing. Depressed person goes through a lot.

So lets lets about Uni polar and Bipolar depression.

#Uni polar depression

In this condition person have low self esteem, no self confidence, anxiety, sleep disturbance, withdrawal from people, do not want to talk anybody, do not want to do any kind of activity, lost interest in hobbies, avoid doing office work, not interested in his duties, stay away from relationship, irritability, sadness , grief, weight loss and many more.

#Bipolar depression 

We can categorize it in 3 parts in which a person stays. These 3 phases are

1.Mania   2.  Normalcy   3. Depression

Like it can be possible that one person may go in mania then after sometime in Normalcy state then in depression that is actually bipolar depression or it can be like that first stage is depression then normalcy and after that mania.

1. Mania

We can call it as reverse of depression.  We will see difference between them. It also has symptoms. Likewise depression it is also an illness. If It is persists for more than 1 week we can consider it as mania but we can control it. If we don't control it can cause very problem in everything like in work and relationships. This is as dangerous as depression is.  Stabilizers are most required in this to control person's activity. We will see all its symptoms.


#Too energetic

In mania person feels too energetic and over confident. He feels like he can do anything. He can achieve any anything. when you will see you will found every time he is full of energy. How can be someone so much energetic. Like for some hours or for 2-3 days you could be energetic but you could not be so much energetic than that. If it persists for more than 1 week then it may be symptom of mania.

#Excessive happiness

If we are happy then there would be any reason like achieving something, meeting some new friends, party or may be family function. Yes, that doesn't mean otherwise you will be sad no, but you may be in peace. But person in mania is happy every time. It sounds like then whats the problem if he is happy it is good but not you can't take right decision and action at right time. For some time it could be okay but not in case of always.

#Increase physical activities

As we saw how energetic the person is when he is in mania. So he does so many physical activities. He starts doing more work. He starts playing, meeting up with his friends. He can't sit without doing anything. He starts doings exercise, push ups, pull ups. Starts avoiding stay at home.

#Sleep less

Person in mania usually sleep late at and wake up early in morning and he still feels fresh. If he tries to sleep again he just stays on bed but doesn't feel sleepy. He usually sleep for 2-3 hours in a day.  With so many energy he wants to do any work or any physical activity.


When you come to that person you will find he is talking more than usually he does. He may be talk about any business ideas and you will find they change their mind quickly and switch to next business ideas so soon. When he does not have any kind of work he starts talking about anything great which he can does.

Gain weight

We can naturally gain weight. So it is not necessary if you are gaining weight you are suffering from mania but gaining weight is also a symbol of mania because he starts eating too much and every kind of food may be healthy, unhealthy which led him to obesity.

There are prevention we can take to avoid. If we can know about symptoms in initial state we can take precautions like these.

Have a schedule

Having a schedule for a day is very good habit and in these cases it gives best outcomes. Like you should have a plan bit not did earlier then do it now so that what will do, do it consciously. You won't take any wrong decision. You have a plan for every thing.

Sleep early 

Fix your bed time means that in schedule fix your bed timing means at 10  will try to sleep it can be uncomfortable for you but keep your phone aside and try to sleep. It will relax your mind  and may be work as stabilizer.

Practice pranayam

Pranayama  calms your body. The excessive energy is your body will be calm. Practice in morning time watch sun rise. Do some easy pranayam which don't consume a lot of energy.

Stay in dark room 

Dark rooms lowers our body energy and reminds us to sleep and if stay outside home it will keep you fresh and your freshness won't allow you to sleep.




  1. Great article, blogger template is also awsome

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well compiled and highly informative. Thanks for sharing 🙂👍🏻

  4. I think so you are physiologist ??
    Bcoz you have well described this blog ❣️
    Keep blogging 🤗

  5. Good one and I love psychology and psychiatry. If you're interested in cooking follow my blog as well

  6. Hey..this is really nice article.
    People usually don't talk about mental illness.😌😌You are doing a good job by spreading awareness on such topics. 👍👍
    Keep writing and keep spreading knowledge..😊😊


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