
Showing posts from August, 2020

Know about concentration

How concentration effects our daily lives. Whenever it comes to concentration, i can hardly concentrate for 20-30 minutes. In any task like reading books, writing or any project and after continuosly working for half an  hour, i feel very exhausted like i need se rest.  I feel so distracted by own thoughts while doing any work. Do you feel the same.??? The reason why we are unable to focus properly is ADHA(Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder). You may have many questions like is it a problem.?? What are symptoms of this.?? Let's know what is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). As, we know how important is this to grow in life and adept all the skills we required in our field, specially in this fastest growing era.  In short, we can say if there is problem in concentration, not able to do your work properly, impulsive behaviour etc. We can imagine this how problematic it would be in this time where anyone is running so fast and we are dealing with this ...

Personality disorder

 Personality disorder In our daily life, we meet different kind of personalities some of them are really amazing like we feel yeah.! I want to be like her or him and some of them are like, all we want from them is to just stay away from us and there is a one more personality, we just couldn't categories them as good or bad they are just weird and there can be many more personalities. Everyone has a different personality which they inherited from their parents, friends or the environment surrounding them.  Is personality disorder mental illness.?? I would say No..!!! It is not an illness. Because in illness there is change in chemical or chemical disruption in mind which needs to be diagnose. Personality disorder is not illness but if it exceeds its limits and effecting your life so much like your relationship and career then you must be very careful. What is personality disorder.? According to their inner experience which they experienced in their life and from behavior of oth...

Emotional Eating

  Emotional eating  Let's know about emotional eating. It may sound like hnn is it a problem.?? But yes, it is not a problem for short term but it can become a problem for long term. We take food for nourishment and energy levels but what overeating does.??? Is it harmful for us.?? We will figure it out.   what is real hunger..? If we are really starving then we don't want any specific kind of food. We take whatever is available to us at that time. We don't make choices there and that food even becomes tasty for us. We just get excited for food. Its only one thing that just runs at that time is only food. Emotional eating  In emotional eating, we connect food to our emotions and be become  more specific that   i want to eat that only and this happens when we are in bad mood kind of stress, tension or any negative feelings and to cover up that we just overeat and there are also consequences of that.  Why do we connect our emotions to food..?? Gener...

What antidepressants do.??

What antidepressants do... There are so many myths and fears about antidepressants . If any person is suffering through depression he faces many difficulties still he afraid to take medicine because he doesn't have proper knowledge of the side effects and actually what it does to your body. People afraid from medicines and counseling for psychiatrist.  I want to tell about both of them. These both are not against of each other. They both work for same thing. It depends on person. When someone is comfortable in counseling and symptoms are not severe then counseling works. In some counseling person starts to feel good but it also take some time. It may be more beneficial with person  who shares his problems. Sometimes person gets so much afraid of being getting judged that he doesn't tell anybody while he wants to share but with psychiatrist he feels more comfortable. Lets know about why depression happen?? There are 2 reasons why it happens. Because there is deficiency of some ...

Bipolar disorder

  What is bipolar depression?? Talking about depression is still a taboo in our society. No one wants to talk openly about it. We don't consider it as a illnesses while it's very serious mental problem.we can't see depression but this doesn't mean its nothing. Depressed person goes through a lot. So lets lets about Uni polar and Bipolar depression. #Uni polar depression In this condition person have low self esteem, no self confidence, anxiety, sleep disturbance, withdrawal from people, do not want to talk anybody, do not want to do any kind of activity, lost interest in hobbies, avoid doing office work, not interested in his duties, stay away from relationship, irritability, sadness , grief, weight loss and many more. #Bipolar depression   We can categorize it in 3 parts in which a person stays. These 3 phases are 1.Mania   2.  Normalcy   3. Depression Like it can be possible that one person may go in mania then after sometime in Normalcy state t...

Why Depressed Person Feels So Exhausted..??

  Why depressed people feel so exhausted?? We all know how mental health is important for everyone. Because if we have  perfect fit mental health then we can do every task with enjoying it. We will love our life and we will grow as a personality or in our professional life too. Because of healthy mindset we can maintain our relationship that have so much importance in our lives.  According to a survey it is found that the person who has healthy relationships lives a happy life but depressed person faces many loses because of many reasons There are many reasons why person with depression feels so exhausted. Here we will see all the possible reasons. # I am unlove able Because of their negative thoughts about themselves they are not able to recognize their skills, work and talent they think they have  nothing great  in themselves and they consider themselves as a burden on other people. #Grief they carry so much of grief in their heart. They just forgets how to l...

Feeling sad or depressed..?

 SADNESS VS. DEPRESSION There is difference between sadness and depression but you must know if sadness prolonged for more than 3 weeks it can lead to depression. If this is about sadness then it may be fine for sometime because u can get out of it after some time but depression is very serious issue.  People do not consider it as sickness but really it is... one should take it seriously because it effects on your self esteem and your mind completely. we should know the difference between sadness and depression.Here we go.. DIFFERENCES Sad people can tell reason easily while depressed people can not exactly tell the reason of his sadness both remain tearful but sad people cry for 1-2 times then he is fine because he is nit scared but depressed person always.remain tearful every time their energy and sound seems low. Self esteem of sad people is not effected by their grief while depressed person's self esteem is deeply effected. Depressed person forgets its root cause while in ...

want to help your loved one get out from depression?

yes, you can also help your loved one to get out from depression.These ideas are helpful in both the cases if your person can share his feelings by talking to you or he does not share his feelings.Generally, itbecomes difficult for them to share this. There are many reasons they become numb but you can do a lot for them   . TIPS TO HELP THEM  #MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON SAFE PLACE Choose a place where person feels comfortable Comfortable in the sense of person can easily open up with you Do not choose dark room or dark places. Choose some open spaces. you may choose terrace or park but park should not be much crowded. # SHOW THEM PHYSICAL AFFECTION while taking to them remember to pamper them and show some affection towards them. you can hug them, hold their hand, squeeze their shoulder. it makes feel us more comfortable. They require a lot of strength to share this so try to be humble as you could.  #DO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY WITH THEM Physical activities involves a person com...